Reinstatement is a vital step in the cable laying process. The process involves the replacement of any amendments made to an area. Project sites are reinstated to the condition they were prior to the start of the operation.
Reinstatement is separated into two classes; Structured Planning Procedures and Planning Services:
Structured Planning Procedures
Inspections prior to back filling.
Removal of surplus soil & rubble.
Management and replacement of clean fill.
Leveling the site with the use of a Bobcat.
Planning Services
Above Ground Reinstatement is the reapplication of public amenities disturbed by excavation works. As well as the overall order of the above ground reinstatement, two key areas are of primary importance, safety and accuracy of the reinstatement, including where appropriate the return of:
Lawn, vegetation and gardens
Brick paving
Retaining walls
Brick walls
Pea gravel roads & car parks

The reinstatement standard that Cabling WA strive for in all circumstances.